Seller Resources


Listing your home is a big decision. It’s my job to keep you informed of market conditions and momentum in the Grande Prairie region. That way, you can list at the perfect time to ensure your get the highest possible value for your home. This page is designed to give you resources needed to know exactly what to expect when selling your home in Grande Prairie.


Seller TIPS

The Price

As a Realtor, we work with you to set a competitive price based on market analysis and comparable sales in the area. Overpricing will turn off potential buyers, while underpricing may result in leaving money on the table.


Make necessary repairs and improvements, declutter, and stage your home to appeal to the widest range of potential buyers. Clean and bright homes with a neutral decor sell best.


I am here to help you market your home with both traditional and modern approaches. We will utilize effective marketing strategies, such as professional photography, networking, virtual tours, and online listings, to reach the largest pool of potential buyers and generate interest in your home.

Need more information?


By cleaning and staging your home you are able to create an emotional response in buyers which can lead to more and higher offers.


Working around your schedule to ensure your life can continue during the sale and search for a new home, while also allowing potential buyers to come through.


Working to support you through the marketing of your home, all the way through getting the final offer.

Selling your home or land is as much about timing, as it is about understanding how to prepare it for the modern buyer.